Thursday, September 11, 2008

A glass of red wine, four nyquils, and two sleeping pills

I was finally able to doze off for a little bit on the 12 hour flight over.

I've been sitting in Auckland for five hours waiting for my Queenstown flight. I summarized/compiled all the advice I got from random New Zealanders via facebook (facebook started warning me about sending too many messages... oops). I now have everything organized by: Queenstown, between Q-town and Wellington, Wellington, between Wellington and Auckland, and Auckland. Thank you random people. You rock.

I bought a Lonely Planet guide and a road atlas as a backup since my blackberry internet access has yet to work (though I have full signal strength). I might have to go old-school out here. It'll be like traveling in the late 90s or something. I'm pretty sure there were cars back then but not many people had them. That's why gas was so ridiculously cheap.

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